
young - indie filmmaker
Eminent Member
Joined: May 25, 2004
Topics: 1 / Replies: 17
RE: storyborad

why don?t you make your own drawings???? the more independent, the finest

21 years ago
RE: Film Ideas

the detective who is working on this case finds out that everybody who was working in that bank was part of a secrete operation to steal the money fro...

21 years ago
RE: New Member

hi welcome the more independent, the finest

21 years ago
RE: Can it happen?

Dude you can do whatever you want, just try as hard as you can and never give up. and remember all you need in orther to be a filmmaker is a camera...

21 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 900
RE: I know its not,you know,legal but...

hi mandor700, isn?t it cool that you don?t need to pay a single penny.?:D? the more independent, the finest

21 years ago
RE: Musician wanting to get experience in film music

Hey i?m really interested. Do you have any experiance in suspence music? You know what it?s fine. E-mail me at punk_master_28? tha...

21 years ago
RE: I know its not,you know,legal but...

Hey, thanks darksydeavenger. Listen you 3DAN-something, When you are independent and poor, you gotta do what ever it takes to make your movie. ...

21 years ago
RE: I know its not,you know,legal but...

Hey dude can you be more specific with that crack thing. I want to download one from kazza, but when I type in "crack" it doesn?t find anything. I...

21 years ago
RE: night lighting

you can shoot when there is a full moon, use something like white construction paper or something to reflect the light to the actor?s face. You can al...

21 years ago

I read on a book that if you put the spaceship in a water tank with a background and creative lightning, it will look really cool. the more indepen...

21 years ago
RE: New Projects

Yeah me three. i would love to help but i?m too far.??)? the more independent, the finest

21 years ago
RE: Looking for new Filmmakers

that seems interesting. I will send you an e-mail. the more independent, the finest

21 years ago
RE: Special Effects

where can i find this adobe premiere? is it expensive? Is it compatible with windows 98? thanks dude?8D? the more independent, the finest

21 years ago
RE: Lighting at night.

that sounds nice too, but you can also use a blue gel to light the sides or parts of the actor?s body the the moon can?t light. the more independ...

21 years ago
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