
Estimable Member
Joined: Nov 1, 2006
Topics: 22 / Replies: 86
RE: HD or not?

Of course a movie shot on HDV, or HD, will look better on a standard tv than a movie shot on plain minidv. The camera's themselves are designed to cap...

17 years ago
RE: "this is sparta"

I don't believe there was any rotoscoping involved in 300. 'In the life that man creates for himself, he too, creates his demise... and his legacy....

17 years ago
RE: Tape and HDD Simultaneously

Yes, you need a mediator of sorts between the camera and the hard drive, unless you're using a drive specifically designed to work with the camera. Th...

17 years ago
RE: New to the forum

Welcome to the forums 🙂 'In the life that man creates for himself, he too, creates his demise... and his legacy.'

17 years ago
RE: Releases

Most often in a film that isn't being shot on a shoestring budget, rather than face legalities and other problems down the road, crowds are generally ...

17 years ago
RE: First attempt at a movie, comments/criticisms

I will agree, the short didn't really get the entire idea of the story across. It's very vague, and I can see that you intended to make people think i...

17 years ago
RE: Critique Needed

I get the feeling poof wasn't talking about the judges at all... especially considering his advice to film 'nude and see where it goes from there' to ...

17 years ago
RE: second post.......first film

You can definitely go over 10 minutes, because I watched a 39 minute banjo lesson on youtube yesterday. 'In the life that man creates for himself, ...

18 years ago
RE: Moving soon

Welcome to Canada! And we only call it bacon if it is in bacon form lol. And if you wear a fur coat, you're probably going to get some disgusted look...

18 years ago
RE: Are actresses objectified?

You also have to keep in mind that although so much money is spent to market a movie, they also know that word of mouth, as well as websites such as m...

18 years ago
RE: 555-xxxx ... how?!?

You could just dial that number so that it comes up on the screen, but don't hit send... so when you show the cell phone screen, the audience heard it...

18 years ago
RE: Review this idea please!

I agree with the role reversal. The fact that white people are racist is a very common theme... but it's less common to show that other African Americ...

18 years ago
RE: Outdoor electric lighting -- how ???

I know that there are 'Eliminator' power packs that might do the job. They are essentially large batteries designed to last a relatively long time, si...

18 years ago
RE: Film vs Video

Newer dv cams have a number of different frame rates you can use 'In the life that man creates for himself, he too, creates his demise... and his l...

18 years ago
RE: How many cameras for a feature-length?

I would say that if you have more than one camera, then use more than one. Unless your entire crew is stellar, it's going to be obvious when you have ...

18 years ago
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