Dude go to Alamdv2.com you can download a sweet program called alamdv2. This program does light sabers and what ever else you need. White Tiger Fil...
here is my advice: since I am realy cheap and make all low budget films this is what I would do. I would simply attach my camera to my tripod, then ex...
I agree with both the star wars and dawn of the dead. I think I would redo the last lord of the rings movie by simply cuting out the last 45 minutes. ...
rjschwarz- do you know a Mr. stirlace? because he told me he knew someone who said that exact same thing. White Tiger Films
well I used toy swords and spray painted the baldes bright metalic silver and on film, they looked pretty good. White Tiger Films
please do I am very interested in that. Its alot like something I will have to do this summer for a movie that I am planning to shoot. White Tiger ...
If you want to make a realy cheap and easy dolly, I made one in like 30 minutes using and old tripod and and old skateboard. White Tiger Films
If you want to make a realy cheap and easy dolly, I made one in like 30 minutes using and old tripod and and old skateboard. White Tiger Films
They make that stuff for people like us to use. as long as you give them credit for the work its all good. Some sites want you to buy the footage inwh...