The music you posted up there was very nice. What would be your price ranges?
It was definately creative and kept me interested the whole time. So I would say you did a good job.
I'll give it a read if you want to send it to my email. miserycounty?
I wouldn't mind giving you another opinion if need more. My email is xxdirtynunxx?
You could do anything really. It sounds like you are just over thinking the obstacles. You could have anything happen. While making a film anything ca...
If you aren't happy with the screen play you wrote then just do a rewrite. First drafts and even many other drafts turn out shitty but if you keep wor...
It is definately possible to make films alone but it's not nearly as fun. I know it's hard to make friends sometimes but I'm certain if you reach out ...
Keep brain storming. It sounds like a hard concept to achieve but it's definately original.
Well it depends if you want it to or not. Meaning is sometimes hard to convey. You certainly shouldn't have any useless shots. Everything should be sh...
Just keep in mind if you read Rebel Without a Crew that he made almost 200 small films before making El mariachi and had a lot more experience than he...
I would say any of the original Star Wars trilogy would be a good coming of age besides that I can't think of any.
Well for a senior project you don't really need their permission to use it. Unless you are planning to sell the short to HBO then no permission is nee...
I didn't say ignore you I just said I would be cautious of you. When you start trying to honestly help people and stop trying to peddle your book then...
Owned3dStudios definately has it right. Thats probably the best way to figure it out. I do something similar when on break at school. I relax in my ca...