
Trusted Member
Joined: Mar 29, 2006
Topics: 6 / Replies: 39
RE: Salesman & VFX supe for most important film EVER

OK, Moviedale. You've challenged me to do a little research? How about these apples? Just a couple of examples. Yes, I did find lots of links whe...

18 years ago
RE: Salesman & VFX supe for most important film EVER

Moviedale, just because you say it doesn't make it true. I know the drug companies are in the business of exploiting the consumer. That's easy to see ...

18 years ago
RE: Salesman & VFX supe for most important film EVER

Forgive me Moviedale, but if there was any truth to your message then there would be plenty of evidence to back it up. And if there was such evidence ...

18 years ago
RE: Salesman & VFX supe for most important film EVER

Scambuster? Maybe you should change your name to Master of the Scam.

18 years ago
RE: Mothers' problems with our scripts?

Well, it's your decision what type of movie you will make. There's no law or basic necessity to write or produce any particular type of movie. You can...

18 years ago
RE: Mothers' problems with our scripts?

When you become a parent someday and have kids of your own, you're views might change. As a scriptwriter with 2 daughters aged 10 and 12, I am very ca...

18 years ago
RE: How much for this camera?

I agree he shouldn't have just posted and say search Google. That's a bit rude. Although he does have a point. My search on Google turned up the follo...

18 years ago
RE: Good Music

Here is a place that sells fantasy and sci-fi music packs for games that could also be used for films. They are not free, but inexpensive.

18 years ago
RE: New Horror Short - The Insane

There is some nice work in that film. Good camera, editing, sound, and acting. However, I wouldn't call this horror so much as I would slasher. It was...

18 years ago
RE: Act II blues + turning points

rc444, are you saying that you are stuck on writing the actual Act 2 script? Or are you struggling with that part of your treatment? The reason I ask ...

18 years ago
RE: Need LOTS of Co-Writers URGENTLY!

I'd be interested in taking a look at your project to see if it would be something I could do and is suited for my style. I currently write sci-fi, c...

18 years ago
RE: Scripts/Writers required

Are you still looking for scripts? I have a short story that would be perfect. I only need to convert it to a script, which would take me just a few d...

19 years ago
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