
Estimable Member
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Topics: 28 / Replies: 104
17 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 460
RE: Sound issues

it's an impedance issue. When a low impedance signal is plugged into a high impedance signal, you get a very LOW signal. What you need is a direct box...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 511
Replies: 2
Views: 423
RE: cursing in short films? Hurt in Festivals?

you make an excellent point Kess. However, i believe that, at times, cursing is truly necessary. I have seen movies before where i could not believe i...

17 years ago
RE: cursing in short films? Hurt in Festivals?

well, like i said, i truly believe they need to curse. If you have ever seen any british gangster film, then you know what i am talking about. I've wr...

17 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 3116
RE: How to make a Steady Cam

from what i've figured out by using this type of steady-cam is you want to lock your back and arms and only move your legs. Try to move as if you are...

17 years ago
RE: Todays'Picture print and Quality /looks different?

cinema has always competed with television. Every time tv starts doing something better, the film industry tries to trump them with something equal i...

17 years ago
RE: How to make a Steady Cam

i made one a while back. I love it. Of course, a professional one would be much better, but it gets the job done none the less. I did find that t...

17 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 471
RE: Outtakes beep

I did one of those, and found this site that had a pretty decent sounding beep. download the: VIDEO CLIP - SMPTE Countdown Leader it's a very s...

17 years ago
RE: depth of field

yeah, i know that the subject needs to be pretty far away from the background, but what about when the subject can't be moved too far away? Also, do ...

17 years ago
RE: What can I do with after effects?

there is a ton of stuff that you can do with after effects. Pretty much, if you can imagine it, you can do it. Spend some time looking through tutor...

17 years ago
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