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Joined: Dec 3, 2005
Topics: 10 / Replies: 26
RE: New Short?

Hey thanks, I appreciate it. I'm trying to push this as much as I can, I just filled my car up and it cost 50 BUCKS!!! I'm only angry cuz I know of th...

17 years ago
RE: New Short?

Oh, I agree with all of this 100%, BUT again, I wasnt the editor nor the creative one behind the writing. IF I had edited it, I would have cut away fr...

17 years ago
RE: New Short?

Ive used the product myself. I mean its been tested by 1000's of cars, and it has worked on all of them. The reason its not being implemeted is GREED....

17 years ago
RE: New Short?

these are all great ideas but I didnt edit the film, and as far as the look of the guy? Well, he's the chemist genius that came up with with the idea ...

17 years ago
RE: New Short?

it was a video I made for a new type of gas, only problem, teh oil companies wont air it on any tv station in Utah. Its wierd

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1268
RE: Investment in film question

Please make sure you're careful when investing your money. Investing into a movie is like buying a lottery ticket. It's a big gamble. I would only ...

18 years ago
RE: Quick trailer for my productions

I liked it, it was good. As a promotional video I don't know if it holds up that well. The music, to me anyway, just doesn't fit with the trailer. ...

18 years ago
RE: My New Film

I thought the whole idea was very clever. It reminds me of a commercial. I just wish there was more to it! Personally, I found that the music didn'...

18 years ago
RE: Fun short film

It's not half bad for something you've created right on the spot. The music was good. The acting was good. Even the camera work was pretty good. I...

18 years ago
RE: Watch our new movie

1) Was there a script? I only ask because a lot of it seems like it was made up on the spot. This style of comedy is alright, but I think you over us...

18 years ago
RE: View My Short

I liked it. It held my attention anyway. I loved the music. Was some of it from 28 days later? I like the whole concept and everything. The only t...

18 years ago
RE: Budget

Things are going great with the script and now weve moved on to the funding part. I still just have a few questions to ask: -Are there any example...

18 years ago
18 years ago
Replies: 1
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