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Joined: Aug 14, 2005
Topics: 34 / Replies: 49
Replies: 2
Views: 814
Replies: 1
Views: 582
RE: To go to film school, or not to go to film school?

So basically you're saying that it's better to write as much as you can, and make as many movies as you can and watch as many movies as you can rather...

19 years ago
RE: To go to film school, or not to go to film school?

Live in Ohio Not rich, but probably could afford film school Most of the time I'm social, and pretty friendly, but sometimes I'd rather be alone.

19 years ago
RE: good book on cinematography

"Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know" By Jeremy Vineyard Illustrated by Jose Cruz Pretty good book that illus...

19 years ago
RE: Music and Sound Quality

I've seen a device where you hook this machine up to your computer, and you stick a Digital8 tape into it and can send the moive you made directly to ...

19 years ago
RE: Script please Critiqe as much as possible

Interesting. But how exactly are you going to film all that? I mean they U-Boat underwater and all those people n' stuff?

20 years ago

certified investigator: Why exactly do you think film school is a "waste of time" ? I happen to sorta have the smae fellings, but I just wanted to...

20 years ago
RE: your favorite director

I don't really have a single favoirte director; I can't just pick one out. However I do have several directors that I do enjoy. Sergio Leone-Pretty m...

20 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 586
RE: First Film

Hey, I'm 16, (16 1/2 if you want to get technical) and I've been writing and making movies from a little of three years now. I used, and still use ...

20 years ago
RE: greatest of all time

I don't think any two people can come up with a list of what they think are the greatest and worst films of all time, becuase everyone is different an...

20 years ago
RE: greatest of all time

quote:Originally posted by certified instigator BTW - I know quite a lot about lighting, having worked as a gaffer and DP. What would you like to k...

20 years ago
RE: greatest of all time

If you ask me what I think the best film ever made was, I'd probably tell you it was Citizen Kane, just becuase of the way it changed cinema and did s...

20 years ago
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