Active Member
Joined: Jul 31, 2004
RE: Can make film with natural light?
Just out of interest. But what would happen if i shot a film without lighting it? Hoping for a reply From Spielbergo
21 years ago
RE: serously need help in desicion
Hi. Have you considered renting a camera or seeing if anyone you know has one you can borrow? Just a thought. Speilbergo.
21 years ago
RE: Can i make film for ?10,000?
Thanx for the replies Mark and Ben. You've both been really helpful. I've directed a few short films over the last couple of years. I shot mostly o...
21 years ago
RE: Can i make film for ?10,000?
Thanx for replying to my message Mark. I've considered a HD camera and i am thinking of maybe borrowing one cause the image they record looks almost l...
21 years ago