
Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 22, 2010
Topics: 8 / Replies: 22
RE: How a script

Thanks Rjames, I appreciated that! Also when you introduce main characters and you have say what they are like i.e. Dan enters t...

15 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 1446
RE: Script....might be too short

Hi corax! Yeah the only issue is this company doesnt know me at all and I suspect they want to invest the money in someone they trust...hence the i...

15 years ago
RE: Script....might be too short

lol no!! I was re-writting since you guys mentioned it about being short!!! And re-looked at my second mentioned by film I mad...

15 years ago
RE: Script....might be too short

thanks for the heads up film slate magazine....yeap act to was deffinitely lacking....but Ive add more and deffinitely looks like more substance now a...

15 years ago
RE: Script....might be too short

btw whats with celtix and paying for add on such as plot view...full screen etc. Will the normal celtic contain what you guys have said...

15 years ago
RE: Script....might be too short

Yeah the review I was reading about celtex stated in the future they plan to change it to A4 printable so they have obviously updated. About story boa...

15 years ago
RE: Script....might be too short

I was about to use celtix as final draft is to expensive but in additional info, it stated that the format is for US letter pages printing only not UK...

15 years ago
RE: Script....might be too short

Hi all! I don't care if they UK does it or not Im doing it the US way!!! lol only joking no I think its the same! Well no my dialogue has not be fo...

15 years ago
RE: Script....might be too short

Thanks for the reply....yeah it is deffinitely short... and if I cant make it feature length then its deffinitely better to keep quality rather than a...

15 years ago
Replies: 20
Views: 1728
RE: looking for a composer

Thank you for everyone who got in touh, I really appreciate it but now I am collaborating with someone wish you all the best!

15 years ago
RE: Funding

Yeah I thought he might have meant that and I thought I answered that in my second post but must have not been clear but its nothing to do with my scr...

15 years ago
RE: Funding

Thanks vasic once again! I will update my face a.s.a.p. according to what you said. The only reason I dont post anything about my script is due to the...

15 years ago
RE: Funding

I know I was like what!!!! But I think my local company lol Pinewood studios hahaha were being pompus and charging way too much! The other company ...

15 years ago
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