
Noble Member
Joined: Feb 22, 2005
Topics: 16 / Replies: 1798
RE: short scripts -- to register or not, and who with?

Another way to do it is to post the thing on the internet. As soon as the thing is in a public forum with a date attached you have a shot in court of ...

18 years ago
RE: writing a story

Well thanks. It seems a twist on the standard sort of magic item thing and lends itself to lots of additional texture and social commentary. Even if t...

18 years ago
RE: writing a story

First thing you need to ask yourself is what locations do I have? Can you pull off an ancient royal court or will it look cheezy? What about a museum?...

18 years ago
RE: athletic events video

They must have a website, you should try there first. RJSchwarz San Diego, CA

18 years ago
RE: 16:9 Widescreen

Some cameras allow for lenses that can create true letterbox (I'm not sure if it's the 16:9 you're looking for or not). Otherwise you can frame thi...

18 years ago

I haven't seen Children of men but there was a movie shot a few years ago to look like a single take. They really did it in numberous takes and edited...

18 years ago
RE: Fire Effect

Rizzo, that clip looks nice. I think it being outdoors and nothing close to the flame solved a lot of the ambiet light issues. RJSchwarz San Diego...

18 years ago
RE: Fire Effect

Smoke doesn't project onto walls. You can do smoke using CGI without the same difficulties unless you're talking about a thick rolling cloud of smoke....

18 years ago
RE: Fire Effect

Rizzo is right. Reflect light from out of frame onto the actors so that it looks like it came from the fire. Then when the fire is there it will look ...

18 years ago
RE: Shadowy black figure -- how ?

Another thought is to have two black shadowy figures (film the same one twice). If the shadowy actor follows a similar path around the screen you can ...

18 years ago
RE: Fire Effect

The movie DEAD HATE THE LIVING had a horrible fire effect near the the end. The fire actually looked okay, but the room was dark. Fire casts light. It...

18 years ago
RE: Shadowy black figure -- how ?

A ninja outfit or something fuzzy to really haze up the outline of the figure. Might look really odd when filming but should look nice when it's at 10...

18 years ago
RE: Quick Audio Question

Guess I spoke to fast, addled by the joy that is XLR cables. Darkwolf ignore my post and listen to thehitmaker667. RJSchwarz San Diego, CA

18 years ago
RE: Shadowy black figure -- how ?

Shoot all the action without the figure. Don't move the camera as that complicates things. Then shoot the action again with just the figure. Camera sh...

18 years ago
RE: Mothers' problems with our scripts?

Beowulf, I meant no disrespect to your skills. My point is you started the thread from a personal point of view "mom's problem with script" and turned...

18 years ago
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