
Estimable Member
Joined: Jul 10, 2006
Topics: 3 / Replies: 154
RE: Camera Shaking

also see if your camera has a stabiliser (either optical or digital). If it does, you want to turn it off when it's on a tripod as it will overcompens...

17 years ago
RE: Canon XL-H1 picture format

Recently i attended a seminar releasing the Red One cameras in the UK. They showed a comparison of equivalent resolutions between various formats. 108...

17 years ago
RE: slow motion tip

ah nice, i'll give that a try. Another technique i picked up is to duplicate the video and place the duplicates on top of each other. Set the top clip...

17 years ago
RE: Critique Needed

quote:Originally posted by Prim You need to keep your video tempo with the music. That depends entirely on the effect you're hoping to achieve...

17 years ago
RE: Fire!

Try and take a look at there demo footage. ========================= There's daggers in men's smiles

17 years ago
RE: Any effective ways to fake fire-light?

Useful thread there ========================= There's daggers in men's smiles

17 years ago
RE: How to create this lighting style?

Underexposure is a film term which literally means to underexpose the film, i.e- not allow enough light to hit it for a proper exposure (the picture i...

17 years ago
RE: lighting in the moon

quote:Originally posted by tophilis since i am shooting in the dark i dont have to add the blue tint and the washed out effect. have the stars in foc...

17 years ago
RE: Establishing rights?

Exactly, is it imperative to the film that you put 'based on a true story'? If not, just put a clause at the end that says 'any similarities blah blah...

17 years ago
RE: superimposing an image

quote:Originally posted by tophilis or is there anyway i could make a real person look like a statue in post. Why not make him a statue in real ...

18 years ago
RE: Film School......yes another one!

It depends on the school. Some are post-graduate courses, others offer degrees etc. ========================= There's daggers in men's smiles

18 years ago
RE: You tube

If that video was meant to make you think 'What the f' then congrats ?:p? ========================= There's daggers in men's smiles

18 years ago
RE: Oscar style opening film

Ahhh that was brilliant! Definately my kind of humour ?:D? Laughed so much. Some great camerawork too, overall looked pro. A little of the sound wa...

18 years ago
RE: any way to turn people into water?.....

Wellll, you could get your actors, paint them green (haha) put them in the water and get them to walk out. Then clone the water footage onto them... ...

18 years ago
RE: What makes you shiver in fear???

As RJ says, the killer POV is a bit lame. Not sure how I feel about the end sequence of Silence of the Lambs. The killer is wearing night vision, a...

18 years ago
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