
Trusted Member
Joined: Jan 10, 2007
Topics: 10 / Replies: 57
RE: 35mm or 16mm?

Your going to censor my posts? i see, well, then go fuck yourself, im done here.

17 years ago
RE: Is this worth it?

what DAVE says is true if your a below the line cog. Im in film school atm, dont waste your time, just like every fucking school before and after it i...

17 years ago
RE: 35mm or 16mm?

The main difference is that there is no such thing as super 35. 35 is already super as it is. However, theres this guy i know by the name of 'google' ...

17 years ago
RE: Actors

Forget actors, try to find the characters themselves.

17 years ago
RE: A REALLY cheap camera

Great lighting wont make a fuzzy image look any less fuzzy, nor will it remove DV artifacts. I was idealistic like these folks until i actually got in...

17 years ago
RE: Question about contracts and paperwork

I believe using peoples creations is more or less the same across the board, you just need to get their permission to use it in writing. Write out a v...

17 years ago
RE: Capturing video, Editing, The Works!?

Yeah, as far as i recall WMM shouldnt be causing any quality issues when you actually go to view the real file (i hope your not making judgement calls...

17 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 375
RE: cursing in short films? Hurt in Festivals?

you could always try to write a gangster type movie where obscenities are replaced with out of character pleasantries said in the same manner. That wo...

17 years ago
17 years ago
RE: Film V. Digital?

CON: You cant be creative with film when you have to worry about overpriced film stock, overpriced camera equipment , overpriced camera crews, incessa...

17 years ago
RE: Wire Work

Heres a good guide on wire therapy.

17 years ago
RE: How many times miniDV can re-record

Panasonic tape on a JVC cam? Mixing brands can never turn out good. Its not a quality issue, its a dropframe issue, from what i can tell isnt actua...

17 years ago
RE: A REALLY cheap camera

any camcorder under 1500 is going to look like total garbage on a tv screen much less a movie screen. Hell, i have a 1500 camcorder and it still looks...

17 years ago
RE: Young Filmmaker Needs Help!!!! Please Reply!!!

advice? just take a hard look at the way they're shot and it should be pretty self explanatory. From what i remember they use alot of soft gelled or s...

17 years ago
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