interesting rjschwarz, im definatly gonna try that, see what it looks like. as for the point you made about flames. im not really after a firball e...
what was the budget of this film. because i think the question isnt, 'real guns or fake guns', but rather 'at what point in the scale of production...
ultimatly it depends on the scale of production, is it worth it in terms of money. also, what is the approach to realism. a film like 'we were soldie...
is it possible to send these tapes of to some company who can clean them, i imagine it would be wuite expensive but im willing to pay. does such a co...
hehe, no, im just getting some gear together to do some effects tests. its somthing im gonna have to perfect so lots and lots of effects tests, no rea...
in terms of the shade of blue, am i right in saying that it should be the opposite of the subject. army uniforms are a dark green/brown, so will i wan...
coolios. i am in UK, so at this time of year there is a consistency of cloud cover, meaning that shadows wont be a problem. Also, the brick wall i...
i think it is important to think about it from thier perspective. the 2 main things they are likely to want out of it are: 1) to get noticed, so t...
yeah they are, im thinking it would have been easier to green screen the same person a couple of times and stickem in. again i think its more of an ef...
the problem with using AE explosions is that dirt + debree does not interect with with surrounding scenery, ie dirt falling on actor + ground + the li...
i told the guy to gave me the equipment, beforhand if he could give me new tapes, but thats all he could find. i guess for future wedding videos i wi...