
Reputable Member
Joined: Jun 1, 2007
Topics: 30 / Replies: 187
RE: Need a screenplay writer

i agree with the above posts... i mean why would we wont to see this? don't get me wrong it has nothing to do with mary or jesus but it seems like a s...

16 years ago
RE: best way ?

well i use a pc with sony vagas, but i have been told on multiple occasions that a mac is better for editiing (provided you get used to it). macbooks ...

16 years ago
RE: Yearbook Video

hahahah rj you crack me up ?:)? "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures." -(Own3d Studios...

17 years ago
RE: First 30 minute short film

haha well it deals with Richard moving to his new house, being homeschooled all his life and then being thrust into the public school system. it is no...

17 years ago
RE: sound?

well hoxie, ingoring your very rude comment on one of my videos im going to ry to help. The absolute best way to record audio (although pricy for the...

17 years ago
RE: Great things now...

haha clearly's right. im an ametuer filmmaker at 15! 😛 "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pic...

17 years ago
RE: good story anyone?

yeah listen to rj. what he said is what i do. i'm getting ready to write a new script after working on a project for over a year, and last night the c...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 516
RE: First 30 minute short film

thank you very much henry this exactly what i like-constructive critisim. i will work on the other stuff 😕 Anyone else? "They say a picture is wo...

17 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 737
RE: Loud Hum

thank god you solved this i have absolutley no suggestions XP "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousa...

17 years ago
RE: Doing it all yourself

i share your pain completely. im 15 and i work part time at my local supermarket. i too, am a director for a comedy group, just starting to lift off. ...

17 years ago
RE: Dealing with writers/directors...

hey sorry just cought up on this. First of all i want to extend my deep sympathy to Certified for his loss. that is really a touching story and i h...

17 years ago
RE: Dealing with writers/directors...

by the way certified, did that film ever go through? sounds interestting 😕 "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats ...

17 years ago
RE: Dealing with writers/directors...

certified is right i mean, i know it sounds pessimistic but it is hard to trust alot of people. get it as soon as you can. "They say a picture is w...

17 years ago
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