haha wouldve drivin you mad 😕 "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures." -(Own3d Studios)...
if you muted everything then its definitly a sound card or headphone/speaker problem. it happens nowhere else but in vegas? "They say a picture is ...
.wmp like i alwasys do. im not sure, you can export it in different formats, thats what the 3-5 thing is im not sure if i used the right letters thoug...
ehh not sure. dont know anyone with a mac. its only the dialouge though its weird. "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well,...
problem solved. thank you i needed a new battery. im so silly :p "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a tho...
pond weed what film are you working on? i've seen you post alot of questions about these war films and i'd like to see one. "They say a picture is ...
do you have a mac or PC? i reccomend DVDarchitect studio if you have a PC. works great for me. "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a...
i just use the day for night technique by putting it through blue filters and various lighting adjustments. what software do you use? "They say a p...
well the beggining of ep 1 was very creepy, and the tone chages dramaticly. not that i didnt like both the scary and funny, but they dont really mix w...
seriously that is sick. i hope to be as good as you one day dude no joke. + i love zombie stuff haha 😕 "They say a picture is worth a thousand w...
may i suggest freeplaymusic.com? great free music, for the everyday filmmaker 😕 "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, ...
lol. Clearly- Well i'm no pyrotechnition but... Certified- I AM a Pyrotechinition 😛 "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? ...
also: you descibe this as a "high-budget"film. is this independent, or who do you have the backing of? or is this just your vision? "They say a pic...