
New Spark Films
Active Member
Joined: Aug 2, 2007
Topics: 2 / Replies: 9

quote:Originally posted by film budgets Michigan Film Production is about to explode! check out: - Michigan Film Incentive will yield highest retu...

17 years ago
RE: Help for a Sound Idiot

Yeah, thanks for your responses. I really just think I'll try and get a camera with a mic input (I think the ZR800 has one?) because I don't think it'...

18 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 760
RE: What makes you shiver in fear???

I think that a lot of the time, sound is much scarier than visuals. But I think it would also be scarier if you do not show your antagonist most of th...

18 years ago
RE: funds =(

Well I'm 13 so I haven't had any "start" moneywise, but what I'm doing now is just making movies until finally I get something good and maybe someone ...

18 years ago
RE: scary noises makes you jump where from?

I was messing around with audacity and I made this. I used the generated tracks and changed the pitch, effects, etc. You can have it.

18 years ago
RE: New Filmmaker

Thank you. In fact I plan to begin shooting a short film (no dialogue) on my PV-GS36 next sunday. I will work my way up, but it is good to just start ...

18 years ago
RE: Tips?

I'm 13 and I already have a fairly good idea of filmmaking (not great). Read a book called Filmmaking for Teens: Pulling Your Shorts Off. It's great. ...

18 years ago
RE: New Filmmaker

I will consider that when looking for editing programs. I had another question: is the Canon ZR800 a good beginner's camera? It's miniDV and it has a ...

18 years ago
RE: New Filmmaker

Thank you for your advice.

18 years ago
18 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 804