Welcome! This forum is great! Matthew Sconce
It took me about two days to complete. I finally broke the Z-wall in After Effects knowledge. When I discovered you can move in 3D it opened up many...
Thanks for the feedback, I got my sounds from I have always found the sound I was looking for at that site. I have NEVER come away dissapointed. Al...
I liked the lighting in this and the smooth quality of the final film edit. I think it would help to have a cut to a different angle during the man i...
I am only seeing up to the part where he climbs under the door, then nothing...is it me or the link? Matthew Sconce
Thank you so much for your reply! I will go to that site. Matthew Sconce
I found it interesting. I am wondering why the boy is sitting there and what the other two are doing. Music is great. You spelled difference "diffe...
The new HD cam mentioned above is supposed to be good but you need to keep in mind that it is only 1 CCD not 3CCD. Color Quality will not be nearly a...
Out of those two...Adobe premiere Pro. I hear it is very user friendly and a good way to start. Matthew Sconce
If Price Doesn't Matter, AVid Xpress Pro is a great editing program. It is what I use on my Dell and i love it. If you buy it though, make sure you ...
Go up to Composition setting and change the time length default to the length of your movie. This should show the whole thing in the timeline. Mat...
No prob! It really helped me. Matthew Sconce