
Trusted Member
Joined: Aug 12, 2007
Topics: 11 / Replies: 32
RE: Have a $10,000 budget. Could use some pointers.

Yes, this is a feature length film we will be shooting. I guess I should clarify that half the movie will have to be shot in 3 days because we will...

17 years ago
RE: Help! Aspiring filmmaker

I am in your exact same position. I am in college as a senior and am about to graduate with a film studies major(which is idiotic as the majority of ...

17 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 1013
RE: good movies according to direction.

I will suggest you check out some stuff from French New Wave directors like Francois Truffaut or Jean Luc Goddard. They were true auteurs of cinema i...

17 years ago
RE: zombie filmmakers how can i make a low budjet movi

Horror movies for me are all about the ambiance and mood set. As the previous poster said, the use of sound is really important. You can show a door...

17 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 563
RE: Establishing rights?

Do any of you know where to put this disclaimer in a script? I understand the basic rules of screenwriting but where to put "based on a true story" o...

18 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 642
RE: 1st Film

Good stuff Tim. My only question is about the editor. How do you know when to allow an editor to be the one to decide how the film ends up? I agree...

18 years ago
RE: What genre do you write / direct / prefer?

Comedy and Dramedy are the genres I have been writing. My comedies can range from slapstick all the way to social satire. I like incorporating diffe...

18 years ago
RE: Curious To Know

I am 23. Just started writing about a year ago but have been taking film classes in college (Im majoring in Film Studies) for about a year and a half...

18 years ago
RE: Scripts/Ideas for feature film (Long Island, NY)

That would make two of us. I have actually recently had an idea for a wedding movie that seems quite original.(at least coming from the few confidant...

18 years ago
RE: Film Noir

There is no single aspect that defines film noir. The stories usually involve a crime and/or mystery of some sort. Someone is trying to get to the b...

18 years ago
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