If you're editing on a PC, you might come across issues with your capture card. I know mine won't accept NTSC in anything more than B&W, despite the s...
It's movies like The Island which fuel my belief that I too can make it if I take the right path. Seems to me all that film is, is Logan's Run met wit...
Where abouts in NZ are you based? I just so happen to be a writer in Wanganui, very interested in getting into film. I've got a few longer projects on...
Just to ease my mind a bit... There's a very strong will amongst ICEntertainment to have the main villian in this movie as "Morgneto", which of cou...
I'm currently scripting a zombie parody film entitled "Everyone Stupid Dies". It's coming along very nicely. Morgneto, Master of Morgnetism
Cheers for the quick reply. Good to hear I've nothing to worry about in that dept 🙂 Morgneto, Master of Morgnetism