Thank you, CI. I've never actually had the 'paths' laid out right in front of me before. And yes, I'm being sincere. Most of what I've been learning h...
So television is impossible to break into if you're an unknown, hmm? Yeah. That was something I hadn't thought out when initially pursuing this pro...
Yup. *raises hand* Broke all the time. Pleasure to meet you all!
Well, the biggest difference between my pilot and an indie short is length. The final print of the pilot is aprrox. 48 minutes long. Now, from most th...
So, other than gradually working my way up the ladder, there's no other route I can try my hand at? Hmm... That's a little disconcerting. I've researc...
So my best course of action at this point would be to try and sell the script? I'm confident in the quality and in my ability to deliver. I have no il...