
Eminent Member
Joined: Jan 16, 2007
Topics: 3 / Replies: 26
RE: Quickie no/low-budget "hazer" for flashlight beams

That was meant to be something. But my mind and fingers weren't as one that day. Michael Rogers McRogson

16 years ago
RE: Muzzel flash on blank guns

There is a book by Stu Maschwitz called the DV Rebels Guide. This is a great book that I read, it will show you a technique on using After Effects to...

16 years ago
RE: Quickie no/low-budget "hazer" for flashlight beams

If it is only the beams you are after, then you can utilise Dry Ice in Water. This will create CO2 gas, that can then be blown, lightly as it can ver...

16 years ago
RE: when to use lighting and when not to

Understanding lighting is always a difficult thing, especially the way light behaves. Using a reflector, even on an overcast day will cause the flite...

16 years ago
RE: Actors working for no pay

That article is certainly an eye opener. Thankfully a lot of this doesn't pertain to Australia, but I do know that we can still utilise these agreeme...

16 years ago
RE: Do we need to contact music company for permission

The short answer is, YES. At the very least you need these permissisons in order for theatrical distribution, local or otherswise. The reasons for t...

16 years ago
RE: Question about external hard drive

Using External HDD. One point that needs to be understood about using them. They are good for backing up, and can be used for editing SD footage, ha...

16 years ago
RE: Sci fi coming of age film

Well Star Wars, the original trilogy is certainly a coming of age story but is more in line with the Heros Journey. "A hero ventures forth from the...

16 years ago
RE: changing the depth of field (with DV cameras)

Depth of field is always a tricky one with DV. The main reason is simple the distance between the lens and the focal plain. The smaller the distance...

16 years ago
RE: Lighting in a front room situation

Using the 3 red heads, at the very least you should try and get some filters for the red heads. gels not needed. Why? Because a red head is a very ...

16 years ago
RE: removing corner points

Something interesting is if you invert the colours, the opposite of orange is blue. Maybe this will help you remove them, depending on what the actor...

18 years ago
RE: Making a DV Film look like "The Real Thing"

As stated lighting will play a key role since your camera will not want to use it's digital gamma to increase the exposure level. The biggest thing...

18 years ago
RE: Saving Private Ryan Effect

Be wary of doing this effect digitally when the original images is very vibrant and colours. If shot without regard to the final look of it, you will...

18 years ago
RE: Building an HD post production studio

For HD space, and indication, the film King Kong (Peter Jackson's) scanned the film at 2K resolution for editing. This is far greater than the 1080p/...

18 years ago
RE: All characters B&W except for one?

The effect seen in Schindler's List and also in Pleasantville was done using Rotoscoping, where they will create a matte of the character to be in col...

18 years ago
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