
Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 25, 2008
Topics: 1 / Replies: 26
RE: New Start

I think all of the above options have merit. There are some songs already recorded that I am sure would work, but that's not to say original music cou...

17 years ago
RE: New Start

I have a screnplay that I intend on filming which will need a soundtrack. I am new to this as well but one thing I do know is that I will need music, ...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

Thanks Claudia. I saved Paul's website to "My Favorites". There's a lot of good stuff there. I appreciate your help. I dropped you an email as well. G...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

Yeah, I've got a funny story to relate...As a landscape, medium format (5"7" B&W) photographer a few years back, I entered a 16"x20" print of a waterf...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

I've been down that road myself, however I found that the prostitution of art for the sake of money is unfullfilling. I would rather not make the mone...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

A membership at the local yacht club? I think some of the best stuff is sitting in a mayonaise jar on Funk & Wagnals back porch and unless you know so...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

I'm a bit surprised at your response. I don't know why. I guess I should have known that you'd vie for the true expression of the art, rather than suc...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

My next question would be in regards to the screenplay submission process. Is there anything in particular that would be different than sending out an...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

Well, as a "newbie" this discussion has been an eye opening experience, to say the least. The sheer amount of experise required in every aspect of thi...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

One thing I dream about daily is the soundtrack and the songs that will the accompany certain scenes. I need some input on music rights and what reali...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

Well, I'll let it incubate in the "Darlings File" and see what develops. I've got bigger fish to fry. Just by your comments I can tell that you're qui...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

Ghostly creatures in full perod dress...exactly like they were written. A regular menagerie of misfits. Some big, some small. Some short, some tall. A...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

In this day of advancing cybertechnology I can literally envision marching the crying darlings ino their text file confinement, and once their numbers...

17 years ago
RE: Have Screenplay need Filmmaker

Quote: Brenda Coulter "I love every part of the writing process, but bringing a story home--making that final pass with my yellow highlighter and a...

17 years ago
RE: Need a screenplay writer

I looked at your website. What exactly is this story about, childbirth? I'm not getting it. Mark Dixon

17 years ago
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