
Noble Member
Joined: Oct 25, 2003
Topics: 10 / Replies: 1204
RE: Getting music to fit the scene

Echoes should also help; when recording music they normally try hard to eliminate all echoes, so adding some with a similar delay to the environment t...

15 years ago
RE: Background hiss - we did everything right!....

One option you could try which does take a lot of work is to do a fast fade up from silence (i.e. zero volume level) at the start of each word of dial...

15 years ago
RE: Best Screenwriting Programs

quote:Originally posted by diableri Just as an FYI, I've seen Final Draft for as low as $189 on Amazon. I've been using the trial for a while trying ...

15 years ago
RE: Why is Uwe Boll's 'Dungeon Siege' movie so bad?

Bad script, bad director, bad casting ('you're free this weekend? you're hired!'). Much of it actually looks pretty good, but that merely goes to show...

15 years ago
RE: short film LENGTH?

quote:Originally posted by gugon So it's too long for a short and too short for a feature. Is there a category in between? No. Several peopl...

15 years ago
RE: Liability insurance

In the UK I used to get my insurance through these guys: For about 5,000 pounds worth of hardware coverage and a big chunk of liability insurance...

15 years ago
RE: Free stock footage

You could always try the public domain files on, but you're probably not going to find much footage of cities from the last forty year...

16 years ago
RE: Wire removal

quote:Originally posted by robmanu7 In films how do they remove wires. In movies with budgets you'd use a compositing program that does most of ...

16 years ago
RE: What screenwriting software would you recommend?

Yeah, Celtx seems pretty powerful, but it's not as easy to use as Final Draft. I'm sure that if you put the time into learning it you'll be fine thoug...

16 years ago
RE: What's the director's role in this stage?

Supervising the editing. Some directors will sit with the editor most of the time and tell them what shots to use, others will let the editor work for...

16 years ago
RE: After effects alternatives

quote:Originally posted by robmanu7 This is why im looking for a cheaper (and obviously more basic) alternative to AE. Unfortunately, After Effe...

16 years ago
RE: Muzzel flash on blank guns

Anyway, the best approach these days is to get a non-firing gun and add muzzle flashes and shell cases in post. It's really very easy for anyone even ...

16 years ago
RE: Dealing with writers/directors...

If they're above board they have no reason not to sign a contract with you; they'll have to at some stage, and their script is just low-grade toilet p...

17 years ago
RE: Which comes first: VFX or color correction?

quote:Originally posted by DaveD I still would recommend against using 1 blanket color effect for the whole film, taking it shot by shot is more time...

17 years ago

quote:Originally posted by ad2478 was THE LAST HORROR MOVIE released only on DVDs? It had a limited cinema release in the UK, but I believe that...

17 years ago
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