I prefer to use a black screen and instead of keying out color key out the light as there will only be light comming from the subject and if its well ...
Treatments are a must for any script, without them you will just get lost and your script will be worse for it. ALWAYS WRITE A TREATMENT!!! Make...
Start off working from your homes/ a web page, after everything is set up distrubute buisness cards/ fliers to all the talent agencies/film stores/any...
I don't see any problems but if you can afford it (I know I can't) I would recomend getting more hard disk space, it might not be necessary now but yo...
I personally think film school would be useless. It's not just that i generally dislike film schools but you would be fine on your own. Form the so...
Well you could do the same sort of thing and hjave different shades for real and imagined things. Make Love Not War!
I wouldnt recomend using yellow, the refelection would be far too much, the back of the subject would be coverd in yellow light. Make Love Not War!
What are the two (or more) alter egos of the schizophrenic? You could use different collored Gels for each one, for instance a red one for a violent ...
Truer words were never spoken, on that point I would like to add that you should put most of your effort into selling you movie early on. For instanc...
I have no idea if premiere has a feature for this, but to make it simply do as follows: 1) Export you film as an AVI (with sound and everything) th...
CCD has made it possible to make extremely high quality (comparitivly speaking) for a extremely low cost AKA Video. Many short and low budget films no...
Use blue, human skin tones have the least ammount of blue color so you will get minium distortion. To make one simple get a smooth wall/board/watev...
Yes I believe alot of their soaps/in the studio etc it done with Video, but at least 90% of their documentaries (the stuff that BBC is famed for) is s...
Yes this is what the clapper is for. Depending on the noise that your camera generates use a recording device of your choice and also, if you don't...
How much noise does your 16mm generate? Make Love Not War!