Well, I feel much better now...because initially I'm going to buy the Z1...but just stumble on the F900. Then one look at the price tag and I just tur...
Well, the rules out my idea of buy the latest ATI FireGL card then. So Avid does recommend using nvidia vide cards, correct? I always has been using A...
Thank you for the response. I read somewhere that the Sony HD F900 cost over a hundred thousand dollars. I did take a look at the lower end from that ...
Thanks! One of those things that I have to try then.
Thank you for your help. I guess I'll have to find out.
What are some of the file format that the program accepts for making into background sound?
Many thanks for the response. If I buy the music, are those musics royalty free? So with Sonic Fire, I can import any .sds file to use as my backgroun...
Mostly to buy.
What is the difference between Avid Xpress Pro HD and Avid Xpress Pro HD Studio and Avid Xpress Pro HD Studio Complate Package? I'm going to buy, whic...