I'm not sure what I can blag just yet, but I just want to keep the stories as small as possible! Any ideas would be welcome at this stage.
Thanks for the offer, I may well take you up on that! Whereabouts in Hants are you?
That's what my plan is, to use generic locations. The script takes place in really ordinary, average places although the story deals with extraordinar...
Yeah I see your point!! The idea I have in mind is centred around two houses, a coffee shop, and general streets and stuff. I'm hoping that these loca...
What was it that caused them to be prohibitively expensive?
Nice. Well, I spose the hard work starts here then. Have you written/directed features? What was it like doing the first one?
Hopefully this should be ok for my project then. My setup includes a Mac with Final Cut Studio, After Effects, Lightwave and Magic Bullet, which hopef...
What's your opinion on the Magic Bullet Suite software? I have it, but have so far never used it. Is that worth considering (along with good lighting)...
Hi Mark Thanks for replying. All logic would suggest to use HDV, I was just wondering in case it would cripple the chances of the film being taken se...
Thanks for the advice everyone, much appreciated!!
I've been using 'Magic Bullet Suite' which is an After Effects plug-in. It does go some way to giving video footage a more film-like look by de-interl...