
Trusted Member
Joined: Apr 14, 2005
Topics: 11 / Replies: 20
RE: "The Death of Wednesday" Short

it might help if i put a little about it its a mix between fight club and the sixth sense. a guy has scitzofrienia and he seees things when he does...

19 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 829
RE: storyboards?

hey guys thanks for all of the suggestions. i thin kim gonna just go with the stick figures and see how it goes Once a Shotta always a shotta. Mov...

20 years ago

do you have to be invited into the DGA thats what i heard about the SAG Once a Shotta always a shotta. Movies are the motion of words. Flying Bud...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 720
RE: why is VEGAS so much less expensive?

hey i have never used vegas but i have with premiere. premire is pretty much then next step down, for pc at least, to avid(although avid is way ahead...

20 years ago
RE: 180 Degree Rule

the only way you can cross the line is if you establish a new master shot with someone else walking into the shot or physically moving the camera such...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1103
RE: New York Film academy

i am a recent graduate of the 6 week program at NYFA disney/mgm studios program. personally for never working with fil before it was a great way to st...

20 years ago
RE: question about final cut pro

certified is right but make sure the file is NOT an .mp3 file final cut for some reason doesnt play mp3 files well at all the best playes files (in my...

20 years ago
RE: Sony HDR-HC1 vs. Panasonic AG-DVX100A

the panasonic shoots in 24p (which is standard 24 fames a second) like film it is alsoalot better quality (film wise) for festivals and projects like ...

20 years ago
RE: cameras

thanks guys for all your help really appreciate it Once a Shotta always a shotta. Movies are the motion of words.

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 692
RE: cameras

ok but i cant do that (no offense) so any suggestions would be nice Once a Shotta always a shotta. Movies are the motion of words.

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 911
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