srry let me try that again:?:I? I'm looking for some suggestions on a good camcorder that you guys have used or think that are realy good. My price...
I think it all depends on what the characteristics of the guys in the suites are. If they've been in lots of action and killing (and acted cool), t...
I mostly use avi or wmv H.A.
Go on an editing program and digitaly grade the film. H.A.
you could create on a CGI program or use a minature set and edit it later on, the actor has to be shot on blue screen too. So layers go" Actor, Wave, ...
I use Fxhome VisionLab Studios, it can grade your film and do many more things. H.A.
what kind of view are you filming it at? (like from the back of the actor looking at the wave or from the side...etc.) H.A.
On my camcorder there is a setting that changes from fullscreen to widescreen (16:9). But if you can't do that you could just cut away the sides of yo...
ahhh... good.?:D? H.A.
In my opinion it would be good to use 2 cameras on conversations. On action shots that can only be perfromed small amount of times its best to get the...
Yeah those camera jumps were quite annoying, and the sound was a bit weird too. I'm beginning to think that you didnt edit the scenes, you just salped...
Director958: If you could make me a couple explosions that would be nice. H.A.