ok the gs300 i looked up on ebay has a 3.5 jack. there r 5 different connectors = 3.5mm mini jack, 1/4 jack, pphono, XLR (the best), digital signals. ...
i think if a movie is unrated its automatically 18+. but in UK i think you gotta get it rated. by the BBFC and tht costs like ?3 a min. www.makingt...
ok i think your talking about digital to film 35mm. well im considering shooing on 16mm. and i read on a lab site that its something like $3000 per 5m...
I checked out a Dat drive and there ?350. Can i copy timecodes onto a dvd? if so how do i do that? www.makingthefilm.net"everything you needed to ...
whats the best way of backing it up? Ive heard about jazz discs or dvd but my film is more then 170gb. Do i copy the timecodes? if so how? thanks N...
thanks for your help i played it through my camcorda to my vhs and made a video. Its now at sundance! lets hope it gets in. Im now working on t...
ive downloaded something to make VOB files so it might just work, thanks for ur help. www.makingthefilm.net"everything you needed to know about" S...