
Eminent Member
Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Topics: 4 / Replies: 16
RE: AD job

if you havent seen this yet, this will answer your question. ?url

21 years ago
RE: First Feature. HELP PLEASE.

wouldnt a minidisk recorder work for sync recording too?

21 years ago
RE: question

no problem. if i am helping you at all then its worth replying. 😛 if you want the "film" look, super 8 has it, probably more than most do, because...

21 years ago
RE: question

im not very familiar with other formats besides the two i have. but, with 700-1000 dollars you get yourself a great super 8 camera or even 16mm as wel...

21 years ago
RE: question

well that all depends on you. how you want your film to look and how much money you want to spend. film of course, is a more expensive medium, because...

21 years ago
RE: question

you would have to have your film transfered to a digital format like dv, or even just the raw avi file that is made where you got it transfered. they ...

21 years ago
RE: Film Music

right now I am working on making the music i will use for the script i wrote and will hopefully be filming some time in the near future.

21 years ago
RE: converting analog camcorder video to PC

ive only captured clips but im pretty sure it captures as long as you want. if not, you could combine the clips together with an editor, if you have o...

21 years ago
RE: converting analog camcorder video to PC

i have that hookup. it works pretty good. i use it with my hi 8. it has rca and s video inputs to usb to go into the computer. i havent had any proble...

21 years ago
RE: Camera Dolly

robert rodriguez also used a wheelchair in el mariachi as a dolly.

21 years ago
RE: Writing the Script

i used scriptmaker for my script. which is a free downloadable program. it worked fine.

21 years ago
21 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 216
RE: HELP! Hi-8 Filmaking

I have a question about video editing too. I know robert rodriguez edited El Mariachi on video after his film was transfered to video, and i was wonde...

22 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 252
RE: super 8 sound sync

ok thanks.i had a question about the speeds. my camera runs at 18 fps and 24 fps. to get the closet sound sync, does it matter on which one you film o...

22 years ago
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