
Trusted Member
Joined: Jun 14, 2006
Topics: 8 / Replies: 43
RE: Needing Some Advice

Hi, This all depends so much on the talent involved; some people can make $7000 go a long way, others can spend it in a few minutes. Features ge...

17 years ago
RE: Have a $10,000 budget. Could use some pointers.

Hello. $10,000 is a spectacular budget for a first short, you should be able to make something totally equal in every way to the Office. Hire every...

17 years ago
RE: cursing in short films? Hurt in Festivals?

Excessive cursing will make no difference whatsoever to your selection chances (unless, as someone said, it's something like a kids festival), what wi...

17 years ago
RE: Outlining Scripts

A typical general workflow is; 1. Single page synopsis outlining whole story 2. 10-20 page treatment with a paragraph for each scene and maybe a f...

19 years ago
RE: Music Licenses

You missed Publishing rights off of there; the copyright to the sheet music and lyrics. In the UK the absolute cheapest you can get after lots and ...

19 years ago
RE: short or feature??

I'd strongly advise against starting with a feature, it's a mountain of work and a very hard thing to pull off with absolutely no previous experience....

19 years ago
RE: lost highway

The director influences every element of a production if they're any good, like Ridley Scott composes nearly all of his shots himself, Kubrick made mo...

19 years ago
RE: Good script? What constitutes a 'good script?'

It's generally recommended to avoid detail until you get to a shooting script which is full of it, a good script is the same thing as a good book, goo...

19 years ago
RE: Question about internships and career

Make yourself essential, work your ass off, always be in a great mood and willing to do anything, work late, make coffee before you're asked, come up ...

19 years ago
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