
Honorable Member
Joined: Mar 19, 2007
Topics: 75 / Replies: 285
Replies: 15
Views: 1001
18 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 659
RE: Stuff in the background

Your thinking about product placement, as long as you cant distinguish what it is then you should be okay. I dont think that any of the componies that...

18 years ago
RE: Screenwriting Rates

Just tell them how much you feel its worth to you, they will probs try and hagel with you anyway which is to be expected. Cleary.

18 years ago
RE: Quick...

I could pass you a screen play with minimal characters and locations thats been written with practicality in mind, the only thing is that if its a par...

18 years ago
RE: advice on camera for newbie!

My advice is simple, dont try to break the bank. Work with what ever you can get your hands on. My camera only cost ?200, so its nothing compared to t...

18 years ago
RE: Video Games in Cinema

quote:Originally posted by Own3dStudios you see, i like resident evil the game, and if they wouldve stuck to that story in the masion, it wouldve bee...

18 years ago
RE: Mothers' problems with our scripts?

I know where your coming from, I still live with my mom and her fiance (who's more like a step dad) I dont like the thought of either of them reading ...

18 years ago
RE: Adobe After Effects -- a person flying.

Im unfamiliar with after effects my self. What is it? stuff like different transitions and special effects? Cleary.

18 years ago
RE: Training 'Actors'

Then what you have to ask your selfis do they actually like the characters you want them to play? just because you have written it for their personali...

18 years ago
RE: Training 'Actors'

In the previouse contri hethwheel, you refered to a style of directing called the "de facto approach". I googled de facto to try and try to find out m...

18 years ago
RE: What should I pay for a 10 minute script?

Without trying to sound bitchy (Because thats not how I mean this to sound, but), the only thing that I can realy think to say with regards to your re...

18 years ago
RE: Training 'Actors'

Have you actually advertised for casting parts? if so, where? Cleary.

18 years ago
RE: Editing

Since you have already got usable footage and the knowledge of how to create websites, it sounds like an achiveable goal. Cleary.

18 years ago
RE: Night/Evening Shots?

Is your night time scene Int or Ext? In theproduction that I am preparingnow, theres an Ext night scene shot on a dark open park. So I'm sort of in th...

18 years ago
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