
Honorable Member
Joined: Mar 19, 2007
Topics: 75 / Replies: 285
17 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 706
RE: Need to know how to set someone on fire.

Im not a pyrotechnition but the way that thee sort of stunts get performed by big production companies is to hire a stuntman, make him wear protective...

17 years ago
RE: Great things now...

Hey, Welcome to the forums. First things first I would imagine that you actually arent one of the youngest members here as the forum is populated b...

17 years ago
RE: What mistakes will you not make again?

Hey, welcome to the forum A mistake that I wont make again my self with in the pre-production stage is with regards to my marketing photo shoot. ...

17 years ago
RE: Auditions

Thanks rjschwarz, would you be able to provide me with an example of a "Side" please? perhaps a useful link or something? As I can then decide wether ...

17 years ago
RE: New guy checking in

Welcome to the forum, no doubt any think that your not sure of will get answered with relativly quick response. All the best with your future produ...

17 years ago
RE: Auditions

Hey CI What do "Sides" look like? I'm not really familiar with the terminology! With regards to the appearance of the people that I cast: My mai...

17 years ago
RE: Auditions

No problem, your previouse suggestion was helpful enough and makes sense thinking about it. Cheers, Cleary

17 years ago
RE: Auditions

Sorry every one it would seem that I have managed to confuse you all with regards to the question that I put to you! I have the complete screen pla...

17 years ago
RE: Good editing programs?

Theres loads of diff editing sytsems out there, an to be honest there all pretty much similar. Its a matter of trying demos and finding out for you se...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 626
RE: Casting and audition questions.

Personally my view on your situation is that you might find it hard to find good enough actors on account that they will be un-paid. That said though ...

17 years ago
RE: Satirical legalities

I would imagine not on account that you dont requier a persons permission to film their property/building unlessyou are on their property or inside it...

17 years ago
RE: D.I.Y Steady cam

Hey guys Yeah this is actually the design that I was refering to. How relyable is the design? How did you find puting it together? did it ...

17 years ago
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