First it would help to know what jobs you think are the "crap" nobody likes to do. Then it would help to know where you live. If there are no job w...
The XR200V doesn?t have a mic input. The built in mic uses the 5.1 surround feature. This is a fancy way of saying it picks up everything in all d...
It may be pitiful, but people looking for investments are looking to make money. Investment in a film is very risky - serious investors look for a...
So you're looking for a financing source. I'm still a little fuzzy on exactly what you need. You know no one on a messageboard is going to have $10...
Excellent post. Thanks!
What financing help and assistance do you need?
You really can't. That's the downside to a DVD handycam. Try a DVD ripper. ============================================= The aim of an argument...
Since a minor cannot sign any legal agreement the standard contract you already have applies. Fill it out as you would with an adult. The parent or ...
I, too, had attorneys. They cost me more than what ever York could have paid. Good luck with this attempt. I looked at your website. You say onl...
I see your last film was distributed by York. I got totally screwed by them. Have you seen any money from them? ================================...
In the ?viewer? click on the tab ?motion? Go to ?crop? and move the top and bottom slider to where you want it.
But it is the case. Creative control is contractual. In most cases it's the studios who maintain creative control. In some cases that control is ...
So it seems you already know what you would like to try. There is nothing wrong with someone who want to be a producer to learn about screenwritin...
Great! I'd love to see an experiment with the fluorescent paint method. I hope you try it and post the results. Good or bad, it wold help you and oth...
Welcome to! I don?t think you?re insane. If you love to create stories then writing seems to be something you should try. If yo...