
certified instigator
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Joined: Jun 1, 2004
Topics: 4 / Replies: 2947
RE: An unfortunate experience

It's very wide spread. There are filmmakers who want to get their film "out there" so badly they will enter into a contract that is unfair to the...

16 years ago
RE: Too Much Creativity, Too Little Everything Else

Excellent post, twickle. A strong dose of realism can sometimes shake a new filmmaker into focusing on the beginning of a career rather than the ...

16 years ago
RE: Using the XL 2 for a wildlife documentary

Welcome to! The XL2 isn't technically "broadcast quality", however you can shoot beautiful footage with it.

16 years ago
RE: Creating a shot list

quote:Originally posted by Valhurst Anyone got any tips? Sure. You break down your script into shooting days and scenes. You then decide whic...

16 years ago
RE: Shooting underwater

If you're shooting on film or HD that means you will be using a very expensive camera. I don't know of any good, no budget solution. I can't imagi...

16 years ago
RE: steps?

A good query letter MUST be grammatically correct with proper punctuation - obvious? You?d be surprised. The letter should be addressed directly t...

16 years ago
RE: Would you like to join me?

Welcome to!

16 years ago
RE: Pitching a screenplay

Yep. Writers and actors are always looking for an easier way in than the standard. Those two types more than others. And there are many people an...

16 years ago
RE: Pitching a screenplay

I have been the guy taking the pitches three times. For the most part, what you have is a very low level, very low paid assistant or intern hearin...

16 years ago
RE: steps?

First you need an excellent "query" letter. It MUST be grammatically correct with proper punctuation - obvious? You?d be surprised. The letter sh...

16 years ago
RE: Lighting cheap way???

There are many different filters that do different things. Some soften the picture, some reduce or eliminate glare, some absorb a significant amount...

16 years ago
RE: Too Much Creativity, Too Little Everything Else

quote:Originally posted by dren As far as being afraid, isn't it normal for a beginner to be nervous about doing a bad job? I mean, if a newb script...

16 years ago
RE: Lighting cheap way???

How about this: A couple of work lights with stands from any home improvement store. ?url Five or six ?scoop lights? - those clamp on work light...

16 years ago
RE: Researching prosumer cameras

There are several different possibilities. If you cannot see an image through the viewfinder but the LCD screen is fine and it records to tape and th...

16 years ago
RE: How do I approach a SAG actor?

Thanks for checking. I've read Linson's book. I don't read it the same way you do. You have an interesting take on it.

16 years ago
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