From the two movies I've seen of yours, you don't have a problem with framing, shots or edit points. All are fine. When you combine those things with ...
I though it was very good. Every problem I saw came from inexperience and not lack of equipment. Even using the equipment you have now I think ...
Sorry, adeel. But I don't know what to say. You already know the problems that need to be fixed with your next music video. This is a very typic...
I can?t speak for the others, but I never forget Malick. His work with Emmy winner Tak Fujimoto, Oscar winners Nestor Almendros and John Toll and...
The very best way to contact an actor is to have all the funds in an escrow account, hire a well connected casting director and make a firm offer t...
Each story has its own needs. If you felt it was important to keep the contents of the envelope a secret then you did what was needed for your sto...
To me that look - the camera always moving - is overused and really annoying. Camera stabilizers are one of many tools, not a replacement for a good...
As you will learn making a movie is about a lot of things. Making a connection with your audience is one of them. If you intentionally keep thing a ...
I'm a great believer in doing everything you can to get your movie made. If that means approaching an actor on the street and pitching, then I wou...
It?s too bad that you are going to a University that doesn?t teach you about sound. You movie really suffers because of poor sound quality. When t...
Haven't seen you around here in a long time.
If you can get an actor to listen to your pitch, then pitch! If that actor won't listen to your pitch then contact the agent. The actor you are h...
Welcome to! I own the PD170. It's a great camera. I've used all four of the cameras on your list. - they are all comparable. Even ...
Welcome to I've never heard that before. Where did you hear it? What class do you need this information for? ================...
quote:Originally posted by black_fimo I understand how to do an L cut where you hear a line before cutting to a shot of the character saying it. But ...