
certified instigator
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Joined: Jun 1, 2004
Topics: 4 / Replies: 2947
RE: Need Everyone to PLEASE support this project

What happened to "The Hum"? ============================================= The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress...

12 years ago
RE: Aspiring Directors Career Path

quote:Originally posted by MWJH I guess to reiterate my question, when applying for entry-level jobs on a larger film set, to gain experience of how ...

12 years ago
RE: Aspiring Directors Career Path

When producers are looking for a director they do not look at any non-directing experience. Working as a camera assistant or a PA or in the art depar...

12 years ago
RE: When should the drama begin?

The first person to read your script will be a paid "reader". They will cover your script - do a complete synopsis including notes that they give to...

12 years ago
RE: Getting experience = issues

quote:Originally posted by Bookworm452 Also is there a certain amount of screenplays that you have to write before you can call yourself a screenwrit...

12 years ago
RE: Kickstarter raises $2 million for Veronica Mars.

What would interest me is the percentage of campaigns that do not reach their goal. Im my very limited research for 2012 based on 104 I followed 1 o...

12 years ago
RE: Camera Question

No. Good ones are very expensive and you need one for each person speaking. The inexpensive ones are prone to a lot of RF interference. You need a...

12 years ago
RE: Summer Glau will star in Hawaii Five-0.

So only two sci-fi series (other than the "Trek" series) have lasted more than four seasons. Since she wasn't in the others that were canceled in fo...

12 years ago
RE: Summer Glau will star in Hawaii Five-0.

How many recent sci-fi shows (say since 1998) have lasted more than four seasons?

12 years ago
RE: Camera Question

Yes. It will be watchable. Good lighting will help. Excellent sound is essential. It's surprising how much excellent audio helps the picture.

12 years ago
RE: Star Wars theme parks?

Seriously? You can't think of enough from all six movies to fill a theme park? I can think of enough to fill a theme park from just "Star Wars" alone...

12 years ago
RE: South west filmmakers

Not too far is The Chagford Filmmaking Group ============================================= The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victo...

12 years ago
RE: Kickstarter raises $2 million for Veronica Mars.

And now it's above three million. This will change how major studios "kick start" funding for their movies. This is something that I have been say...

12 years ago
RE: Soundtrack Bed Over Entire Film & Close Caption

I have never heard of a soundtrack bed. Closed Caption is the process of offering text on the screen of all dialogue and sometimes even non-speach...

12 years ago
RE: I need someone who can film short-movie!

I am not expecting you to pay anything. I was not asking for money, I was pointing out that making a movie will cost something. It might be unreal...

12 years ago
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