i actually won a bentley b3 for like 7 bucks earlier today on ebay. i'm going to go pick up 2 50ft kodak color negative carts right now from a local p...
thanks. i'll keep my eye out for the crystal sync thing. i think the k100 is headed for ebay. my grandfather was a local pioneer in tv/radio and throu...
ahh. i see. the light bulb just came on! i wasn't exactly sure what mark was getting at until i really messed with the camera today. now i see what yo...
thank you for the reply. now, i have a professional grade recording studio in my home and own almost every high end mic i've seen mentioned here an...
so this camera does or does not record sound? i was under the inpression it recorded no sound for some reason.
so is thing worth keeping? anybody else have any comments/suggestions?