You might also consider posting this question where Cinematography professionals hang out: Brian Dzyak Cameraman/Author IATSE Local 600, SOC
Just so I understand the shot correctly, the goal is to essentially replace everything that currently exists outside the window and replace it with a ...
Again, the CAMERA will not be the missing piece of the puzzle that will inspire people to take you seriously or not. The CONTENT of what they watch o...
Here's how you get all of that for a lower price: RENT. The question is, why do you need a camera in the first place? If you're looking for that ...
quote:Originally posted by missamera I am an aspiring filmmaker with little practical and theory experience who has a deep interest in different fil...
quote:Originally posted by indiandave34 yes and being rude to people not a way to get people's attention Evidently, it is. But I'm not bein...
quote:Originally posted by indiandave34 i am a filmmaker for rhode island and how can u get people to watch your films. I have a youtube account and ...
quote:Originally posted by jumi1174 What are some good online resources to learn the basics (and more complex stuff eventually) about lighting a scen...
quote:Originally posted by hoxienation ok so, I want to make a movie, need actors. So I need some adivice on dealing with actors. Directoring the f...
quote:Originally posted by Ralph I have got a couple of questions. 1. Who works at a production company? 2. I want to be a director/writer, where d...
True, but any creative endeavor means mitigating risk. Even the biggest and loudest "sure fire hit!" lands with a resounding THUD! from time to time ...
It's a common complaint in town (LA). Movie studios are run by accountants now, not by filmmakers. I always find it amusing around Oscar's time, wh...
I'm going to refer you to these books to take some of the "terrified" out of your experience: Production Assistant The Production Assistant'...
quote:Originally posted by roebeeh Yep good call, thanks for the help guys. I'm juggling a rather large workload at the moment and think I was hopin...
quote:Originally posted by Aspiring mogul I just read about this producer in the New York Times (NYT), and how he got into controversy over being a j...