
Aspiring mogul
Honorable Member
Joined: May 26, 2009
Topics: 73 / Replies: 408
RE: Who gets to own the rights these days?

From what you say, there could be a range of choices in ownership, which is good. James Cameron's Avatar may be one example. It seems that News Cor...

13 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 679
RE: The internet is disrupting home entertainment.

About half of Canadians are watching shows online and are thinking of cancelling their TV and cable services. And this survey is from the Cable and Te...

13 years ago
RE: How much for a half-hour Batman film?

Aaron has release the first part to his next Bat episode, "Seeds of Arkham". It's only 8 minutes long, as opposed to 30 minutes for "City of Scars", a...

13 years ago
RE: The internet is disrupting home entertainment.

The LA Times has said that producers are hoping the internet can compensate for the decline in DVD sales, but there are issues with that, because the ...

13 years ago
RE: New York is expanding its film business.

I hear the weather in LA can be searing sometimes. NY has far more extreme weather, but it has character, what with the Empire State Building, the Roc...

14 years ago
RE: New York is expanding its film business.

This has become an interesting discussion, but, to get back to what I was asking, will LA remain the center? It's too early to tell, I think.

14 years ago
RE: New York is expanding its film business.

Here's a good read on Edison and the movie industry. ?url That said, the Wikipaedia entry on the film industry seems to suggest that California, ...

14 years ago
RE: New York is expanding its film business.

quote:Originally posted by stevejanas I would certainly hope that New York City surpasses L.A. as the film capital of the country. Why?

14 years ago
RE: Making my first film just seems impossible

At 17, you'll be changing your mind very often over the next decade. Furthermore, you won't be young forever, so you will have to decide within this t...

14 years ago
RE: Making my first film just seems impossible

I'm a bookworm with several degrees and licences, so I'd read all of them. But reading books will NOT deal with what you're facing now - now your prob...

14 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 174
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