
Aspiring mogul
Honorable Member
Joined: May 26, 2009
Topics: 73 / Replies: 408
RE: Cost of a two-day shoot.

Well, I don't want to take advantage of juniors, who have to work for free, because I once had to work for peanuts, and, in one job, I didn't get full...

15 years ago
RE: Cost of a two-day shoot.

So why the difference in cost? Aside from compromising on quality, that is.

15 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 924
RE: Introducing myself

Wonderful! I'm also trying to find a balance, and I'd love to share your thoughts. I've been thinking of making filming a working vacation, you kno...

15 years ago
RE: Please take this quick questionnaire-takes 5 mins

Wire fu - hmmm, I never heard of it until today. I learn something new every day.

15 years ago
RE: Is an Indie a Hobbyist? is a pretty comprehensive site for fan films, and I've known about it for quite awhile. But, as you said, CI, it may be better to cr...

15 years ago
RE: Is an Indie a Hobbyist?

CI, you got what I'm looking for, and your answer is excellent. I never thought of YouTube. 🙂 But, at least as of now, YouTube doesn't have full-l...

15 years ago
RE: Is an Indie a Hobbyist?

Can anyone refer me to any hobby film sites or film producers?

15 years ago
RE: Is an Indie a Hobbyist?

But, as you said, Yugoslavia no longer exists, and America has far, far more opportunity than the former communist Europe.

15 years ago
RE: Is an Indie a Hobbyist?

quote:Wow, that's a new question! 🙂 Is that good or bad? quote:I'd define a "hobbyist" as someone who does something with no intent to turn ...

15 years ago
Replies: 30
Views: 2534
RE: Introducing myself

Welcome. 🙂 I'm almost 50, so it's never too late. Besides, in this day and age, it's not how old you are; it's what you make of your life. Tell...

15 years ago
RE: Do I need to get permission for this?

CI is correct - a billboard for Coca-Cola would contain the most famous trademark in the world, and this means a filmmaker cannot show that trademark....

15 years ago
RE: Do I need to get permission for this?

I think there's a copyright issue, so, yes, you should speak to an intellectual property lawyer. Actually, the best is to speak to an entertainment la...

15 years ago
RE: A new movie studio in New York City.

I wonder if he's approachable. I suppose there's no harm in calling - all he can do is hang up.

15 years ago
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