Well, I don't want to take advantage of juniors, who have to work for free, because I once had to work for peanuts, and, in one job, I didn't get full...
So why the difference in cost? Aside from compromising on quality, that is.
Wonderful! I'm also trying to find a balance, and I'd love to share your thoughts. I've been thinking of making filming a working vacation, you kno...
Wire fu - hmmm, I never heard of it until today. I learn something new every day.
Fanfilms.net is a pretty comprehensive site for fan films, and I've known about it for quite awhile. But, as you said, CI, it may be better to cr...
CI, you got what I'm looking for, and your answer is excellent. I never thought of YouTube. 🙂 But, at least as of now, YouTube doesn't have full-l...
Can anyone refer me to any hobby film sites or film producers?
But, as you said, Yugoslavia no longer exists, and America has far, far more opportunity than the former communist Europe.
quote:Wow, that's a new question! 🙂 Is that good or bad? quote:I'd define a "hobbyist" as someone who does something with no intent to turn ...
Welcome. 🙂 I'm almost 50, so it's never too late. Besides, in this day and age, it's not how old you are; it's what you make of your life. Tell...
CI is correct - a billboard for Coca-Cola would contain the most famous trademark in the world, and this means a filmmaker cannot show that trademark....
I think there's a copyright issue, so, yes, you should speak to an intellectual property lawyer. Actually, the best is to speak to an entertainment la...
I wonder if he's approachable. I suppose there's no harm in calling - all he can do is hang up.