
Eminent Member
Joined: Jun 13, 2007
Topics: 3 / Replies: 39
RE: stopwatch?

Actually I was just playing around in Vegas and there's an effect called "Sony Timecode" that does exactly what you're talking about. I'd imagine Fina...

18 years ago
RE: yet another idea ( sorry ill pic one promise)

I liked both of your other ideas as well, but this one might be able to work, too. It seems like it could be expanded relatively easily, such as by th...

18 years ago
RE: Sci-Fi Short Help

Add in the ball (or whatever object you decide to use) in post. Record as normal without the ball there, and then add it in later. Like what Mark s...

18 years ago
RE: newbie

Yes, definitely. 80 gigs won't get you very far with editing. I've also found that I get better read speeds on an external drive than my internal boot...

18 years ago
RE: another idea for short film.

rjschwarz, you're a genious. I like the idea of the man struggling between the decision to kill his murderer (which would send his wife to jail) or...

18 years ago
RE: another idea for short film.

I really like it. How would you portray the demons/visions when the man finally sees them?

18 years ago
RE: will this make sense?

I like what rjschwarz was saying, I just don't get the part about jumping out of windows. Picturing that in my head just seemed to take away from any ...

18 years ago
RE: will this make sense?

I didn't quite follow all that really well, but from what I picked up from it, I'm pretty sure it'll make sense once you have a more detailed screenpl...

18 years ago
RE: stopwatch?

I haven't done any editing on a Mac before. I know that with Vegas on Windows you can set up scripts to automate things like timers. If the stopwatch ...

18 years ago
RE: Downpour - CineVera Picture's latest

Great work with the lighting. Might have been my computer by I'm not sure, some of the dialogue appeared out-of-sync and slightly muffled. Still, thi...

18 years ago
RE: Vegas OR Adobe?

I'd go with Vegas. It's the only editing software that I've used for the past year-and-a-half or so. I've briefly experimented with Adobe's editing so...

18 years ago
RE: scary noises makes you jump where from?

Check out Reason from Propellerhead ( is their Web site). There's a sound bank called "Impact" that has some really good sound effec...

18 years ago
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