
Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 22, 2005
Topics: 5 / Replies: 230
RE: How do I write release forms for underage actors?

I'm no lawyer and I've never had to deal with any legal trouble resulting from one of my films, but what I have done is had parent/guardians co-sign r...

19 years ago
RE: camera HD or not HD ??

A lot of distributors (TV especially) are now looking almost exclusively for HD content--there may not be a lot of HDTVs out there yet, but there's al...

19 years ago
RE: Is Celtx the real thing

Celtx is amazing and I wouldn't even trade it for Final Draft at this point because it can integrate multiple documents/scripts/character profiles in ...

19 years ago
RE: Lighting for film

Depends on the look you're going for. My instinct would be to give some strong directional light from above and behind the focus of the shot and maybe...

19 years ago
RE: lens mounts

I'm not an expert on this (my only experience in interchangeable lenses comes from still photography), but in my experience, yes, a bayonet is much mo...

19 years ago
RE: lens mounts

A bayonet mount uses a system of interlocking tabs to hold the lens in place, while a "C" mount uses a screw-threading to attach the lens to the body....

19 years ago
RE: DVD Authoring

I'm not really speaking from experience when I say this (the only advanced DVD authoring app I've used is DVD Studio Pro), but it seems to me that mos...

19 years ago
RE: DVD episodes to iPod

If you have a Mac, it's easy: get HandBrake (or HandBrake Lite) for free from- you can rip entire DVDs or individual chapters to QuickTime files that ...

19 years ago
RE: 'Mean Streets' Technique Question

This is called a 'SnorriCam' shot (named after the Snorri Brothers, who developed the system). I haven't seen Mean Streets, but Darren Aronofsky, befo...

19 years ago
RE: Help with an Editing System

Those are some nice processor specs (I know AMD is the leader in 64-bit on the PC side of things, but all these should be comparable) and 2GB RAM is a...

19 years ago
RE: 16mm film issue...

Unfortunately, I doubt there's any quick way to get the film (or a direct print of the film) to run through a projector. As long as the frames don'...

19 years ago
RE: apple v. PC

That's what I did--started out in Premiere 5 and then switched to Mac for a more fully-featured editing suite (this was when the only viable high-end ...

19 years ago
RE: At what point does music become public domain?

I try to be very careful about these things because there are music copyright holders out there who are VICIOUS about enforcing them. If you're willin...

19 years ago
RE: Any Idea !

I'D watch that movie! It sounds like a big project and it can feel overwhelming to try and start on something like this, but I would urge you to s...

19 years ago
RE: HDTV format requirements

With a DSLR you should have plenty of resolution to output to HD. You might try calling up one of the stations and ask for help, I'm sure they'd be ab...

19 years ago
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