hello where are the experts???????????no more replies????? adeel akhter
hello why everybody is absent no replies???? adeel akhter
helloo any body home........................................................ adeel akhter
please reply me regarding this post hi reading details about 28days later on wikipedia and one other site.they both mentioned one thing which...
well thanks but what you think about contacting cinema owners directly???the 3rd ditribution strategy i mentioned ... is it worthwhile or just the mad...
Hi i have few questions related to distribution of movies which i am posting here because this is the most active forum.kindly all the filmmaker (spec...
well rjschwarz as you quoted "I think a better distribution model is the one followed by the cheap American Pie sequels. That is go straight to D...
hi reading details about 28days later on wikipedia and one other site.they both mentioned one thing which is "The film was shot on Digital Video ca...
YOU are right RJSchwarz i will have to buy them.. so where are more and more filmmakers?????fans of zombie films tell me more....regard...
well rjschwarz as you quoted "I think a better distribution model is the one followed by the cheap American Pie sequels. That is go straight to D...
thanks a lot dear friend rjschwarz for guiding me..well i feel just a little unlucky being living in pakistan that i dont have easily access to the...
hi rjschwarz and thanks for sending so many links. well i have found few good sites too(related to zombi films but believe me no one is like filmmaki...