There are a large number of institutions which now offer film courses in Canada. For the full list, see’s film school database. Suggested starting points include:
Concordia University (Quebec)
Ryerson University (Ontario)
Simon Fraser University (British Columbia)
University of British Columbia (British Columbia)
York University (Ontario)Also have a look at Vancouver Film School, which runs both courses in film and television production, and professional 3-D computer animation. They also run many specialised part-time and short courses in all areas of film and television production, and also for actors in these media.
Vancouver Film School
400-1168 Hamilton Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2S2
Tel. (+1) 604-685-5808
Another recommendation is the Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technologies (Ontario). This school has an excellent three year media course which covers film, television, and radio production, and has very strong practical components.
Niagara College of Applied Arts & Technologies
Welland Campus
300 Woodlawn Rd.
Welland, ON L3B 5S2
Tel. (+1) 905-735-2211