- Why is bluescreen blue?
- Which camera should I buy?
- What’s the best material to use for rear screens?
- What is timecode and how do I use it?
- What is the difference between 16mm and Super 16mm?
- What is the ‘Circle of Confusion’?
- What is skip-bleach processing?
- What is a ‘T-Stop’?
- What frame rate are movies shot at?
- What different film aspect rations are around?
- What 16mm cameras can be picked up cheaply?
- The Wide-Screen Maze
- Should I shoot 16mm or digital?
- I’ve got a camcorder, how can I get that Hollywood movie look to my work?
- I need info on working with fluorescent lights.
- How is deep focus achieved?
- How do you film a person looking in the mirror?
- How do you achieve those shots where the camera seems to pass through a window or glass object?
- How do they do that zoom trick where the background moves closer while the subject stays in the same place?
- How do they do that effect where the action speeds up and slows down in the same take?
- How do they do that ‘frozen time rotation trick’?
- How do I white balance digital video?
- How do I shoot a scene inside a moving car?
- How do I make my video look like film?
- How do I convert feet to running time when shooting on film?
- How can I make my own “SteadiCam”?
- How can I get a big budget look to my lighting without spending a fortune?
- Do I need a light meter and which one should I buy?
- Can HDV be shown on ordinary televisions, DVD players etc?