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Salesman & VFX supe for most important film EVER

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Int'l award-winning filmmaker seeks competent VFX supervisor to color- & light-balance HDV trailer footage for presentation to investors and posting on our website. We don't have any money to pay up-front, but you'll get the paying gig on the feature, which will REALLY get you noticed, as it's a kick-ass movie that'll be even more controversial than Fahrenheit 9/11. Why? Because it reveals suppressed cures for cancer, heart disease, HIV, etc. and will literally save millions of lives. (Yes, I've cured these diseases, and others.)

We also need a co-producer/"frontperson" or even just a salesperson to call names and other potential backers (we already have the contact info). You'll receive a finder's fee, credit, and possibly more, DOE.

Although more powerful than any doc, this is a dramatic story in order to reach the widest possible audience. Thanks for your interest. Email me at scambuster1?

Posted : 09/06/2007 5:44 am
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Scambuster? Maybe you should change your name to Master of the Scam.

Posted : 10/06/2007 7:42 pm
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Don't judge others by your level of ignorance. Some of us have actually looked behind the curtain and seen how the puppetmasters pull your strings and manipulate the ignorant. If you want to remain that way, that's your choice, but please keep your brainless comments to yourself.

Posted : 10/06/2007 9:45 pm
Posts: 45
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he types well for a scambuster tom.



Posted : 11/06/2007 12:59 pm
Posts: 175
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Your making friends fast Moviedale. Everyone's going to want to work for you at this rate.

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

Posted : 11/06/2007 1:13 pm
Posts: 45
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Forgive me Moviedale, but if there was any truth to your message then there would be plenty of evidence to back it up. And if there was such evidence to be had then everybody would already know about it. It's not likely that you could supress blanket cures for cancer in today's world. There are too many people pouring millions of dollars into cancer research that aren't going to be fooled so easily. You also claim to have actually cured cancer yourself. Sorry, but no one here is going to buy that crap for an instant. Take your scam somewhere else.

Posted : 11/06/2007 7:50 pm
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Originally posted by danstin studios

Your making friends fast Moviedale. Everyone's going to want to work for you at this rate.

Sorry, but if an uneducated ignoramus calls me a scammer, I'm not going to sit idly by and let others (who may finally be starting to question their brainwashing) think it's true. That's the type of behavior that has kept people like him so oblivious to the realities of our corrupt medical system, and let them treat the public like sheep. Can you two guys say 'Baa'? Sure you can, you're used to it.

And I'm not looking for "everyone," only the smart people who want to make history and jump to the top of the heap with us. So I guess I can cross you two off the list of winners.

FYI, "your" is spelled "you're", because it's a contraction, not the possessive. But I'm sure you knew that. (It's the details that separate the great from the rest.)


Originally posted by tomjscott

Forgive me Moviedale, but if there was any truth to your message then there would be plenty of evidence to back it up. And if there was such evidence to be had then everybody would already know about it. It's not likely that you could supress blanket cures for cancer in today's world. There are too many people pouring millions of dollars into cancer research that aren't going to be fooled so easily. You also claim to have actually cured cancer yourself. Sorry, but no one here is going to buy that crap for an instant. Take your scam somewhere else.

Hmmm... so the people and animals I've cured and brought back from the dead weren't really cured? That'll come as a HUGE surprise to them. Maybe as much a surprise as the doctors got when the diseases disappeared and the patients lived instead of died. But why confuse you with the facts when your mind's already made up? Well, call it a character flaw of mine, but it's my mission to try and educate the uneducated (hence our kick-ass, world-changing movie). In your case, it's almost certainly a fool's errand, but maybe others reading this still have the ability to think and question the status quo.

As the person who I learned about one of the AIDS cures from said, "The ignorant always speak with such authority." And your ignorance is truly astounding. Like I said before, just because YOU don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Jeez, how egocentric and childish is that? There IS plenty of evidence, but you have to be able to read and do research in order to find it. But that requires an open and functioning mind. You're not going to hear about it on TV or the mainstream press (which, if you haven't noticed, are kept in business by all the drug ads).

I've been reading the evidence (and using it) for the past 35+ years (and BTW, haven't had a cold since then. Let me know how people, let alone doctors, who can honestly say that....) Cancer cures have been around for over 100 years. (JFK's highly-honored personal physician cured his colon cancer using just one of them back in the '80s, but there I go again, confusing you with facts). But because they're safe, cheap and natural (read UNPATENTABLE) the drug companies which control/own the medical schools and our government have suppressed them, and even persecuted the brave doctors who have dared to buck the system and use them. Read about Rife, Koch & Burzynski for starters. Right, like you can read.

If you knew ANYTHING about what you're pretending to know about, you'd know that a cure to ANY DISEASE is the last thing the Medical Establishment wants, because that would put them out of business. They're not in the business of curing diseases, they?re in the business of making obscene profits. And how do you do that? Come on, even you can probably figure this one out -- you do that by only treating symptoms ? over and over. Because, as in all businesses, repeat customers are what generate the most profits. So why would any of them want to kill ?the goose that laid the golden egg?? Please enlighten me.

Re: "the millions being spent on cancer research" - anyone who buys into that is already foolish. Our 35-year-old War on Cancer is a hoax, it's just welfare work for scientists, as the few doctors who've investigated it have admitted. The truth is, the underlying cause of ALL cancers was discovered back in the 1920s! The biochemist who discovered it got TWO Nobel Prizes for his work. Damn! These pesky facts just keep getting in the way of your unsubstantiated beliefs, don't they? Sorry, but that's life.

If you'd actually like to get your head out of your posterior orifice and get a clue about what's really going on, read Dr. James Carter's "Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives", Martin Walker's "Dirty Medicine" and Elaine Feuer's "Innocent Casualties: The FDA's War Against Humanity". They'll make you proud to be an American, knowing your tax dollars and medical charity contributions are being spent so wisely and doing so much to truly help people.

?Ignorance is bliss? may be your motto, but not ours, and hopefully not everyone?s on this site. That would be truly sad, but it would explain why this country?s going down the tubes. Anyone want to help us prevent that?

Posted : 12/06/2007 1:28 am
Posts: 217
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i dont want you to go all monolouge on me, but you sound like some conspiricy theorrist..

-(Own3d Studios)-

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-

Posted : 12/06/2007 3:07 am
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There's no theory about it. It is a conspiracy - of money and power. Greed is what makes their world go around.

Do the research yourself, even a little. (But I mean real research, not just reading the propaganda the Medical Mafia disinforms the public with, and which the media passes off as news.) Then come back and try and prove that I'm wrong about even one single thing I've said. You won't be able to, because I've done my homework -- over 35 years worth, remember?

If you don't want to believe me, fine, you can suffer through all their toxic, useless BS. But even a Congressional study admitted that only 15% of all accepted medical procedures were proven to work. The majority (that's 85%!) are just voodoo, snake oil and superstition. So much for most medicine being science-based....

Posted : 12/06/2007 3:28 am
Posts: 217
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why are you announcing this here. go to cnn..

-(Own3d Studios)-

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-

Posted : 12/06/2007 3:35 am
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Ummmm... did you read my FIRST post, about the gig for the movie? All the subsequent ones were to defend my integrity and explain the truth to the stupid person calling me a liar and scammer.

Speaking of scammers, did you know that Western medicine (doctors and hospitals) are the leading cause of death in America? Not many people do, for reasons already given. They kill over 1,000,000 people a year -- that's almost as many every day as the "terrorists" killed on 9/11. But no one's hunting them down.

And when doctors go on strike or slow-downs, the death rate goes down. When the strikes end, the death rate goes back up to "normal". Hmmm... it's almost enough to make a person think. Almost.

Posted : 12/06/2007 3:51 am
Posts: 45
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Moviedale, just because you say it doesn't make it true. I know the drug companies are in the business of exploiting the consumer. That's easy to see by the thousands of ads pleaing for the consumer to go to their doctor and get the latest drug. Drug commercials probably account for a third of all ads. I'm not ignorant at all. None of that proves that the entire civilized world has been duped by these corrupt drug agencies. Just the fact that you use the term "kick-ass" movie is enough for anyone to realize just what kind of person is writing the filth that is spewing forth from your lips. Your entire ad sounds like an ignorant, uneducated teen wrote it. Like the other poster said, go to CNN or Channel 13 and tell them about your wonder cures. See if they'll bite. The only reason for you to make a movie of your lies is so you can "sell" them to the so-called ignorant masses and turn a sweet profit. Not everyone is the kind of stupid fool you are trying to scam. And you just don't like the fact that some people can see right through you.

Posted : 12/06/2007 5:06 am
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Wow, the truth is filth and lies? That's an interesting attack, sounds like Orwellian newspeak (aka double-speak). Do you work for the government? That would explain why you're so anti-truth and unable to see beyond your nose.

You're right, it's not true because I say it, it's true because it's been heavily documented as being true. I'm just relaying the message.
And I didn't say I discovered them, Einstein, merely that I've used them.

"...Sounds like an ignorant, uneducated teen wrote it"? Now, now, now... you're just projecting. If I wrote like that, I'd be writing the hopelessly pathetic, non-factual, purely emotional drivel that you're writing.

You're the epitome of the old saying, "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see." I guess all those facts just soared over your head - big surprise! - which is why you ignored them. Like I said, LOOK THEM UP YOURSELF and try and prove me wrong. But God forbid that you actually learn something new, and inch your way out of ignorance and towards enlightenment, when you can just do an ad hominem attack on me. (I was going to say "look it up", but you demonstrated that's not too likely, so I'll explain the term: "attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument".) You didn't, and can't, answer my arguments because you have no FACTUAL knowledge of the subject, so you can only make personal attacks out of blind ignorance, just like a scared child. Oh... now I understand, you ARE a scared child (or have the mentality of one), afraid that your house of cards (beliefs) will collapse if examined too closely. Well, God gave you a brain: get it out of the closet, dust it off and learn how to use it. Things won't be so scary then.

Posted : 12/06/2007 6:25 am
Posts: 45
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moviedale, not at one point did he call you a scammer. get yer facts right.



Posted : 12/06/2007 8:39 am
Posts: 60
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OH..MY...GOSH.. Im gone for a week or two, and war breaks out here at

NUMBER ONE... Moviedale: If these so called cures are right, then I despise you for trying to make money off of them. My Grandmother just died in February from a number of Lung issues fron Cancer and smoking cigarrettes her whole life. If you REALLY cared about the public, then you would take these to the news, and not try to become a celebrity about it. Thats all movies do, make people rich, and the general public entertained.

NUMBER TWO.. I know Tom Scott. He is NOT a stupid person. And i whole heartedly agree with his statemtent of "just because you say it doesn't make it true". I am sorry, but I have heard many things from many peoples. Investors that are really scam artists, people who will help you out for free and then bail on you. Yea, and to be honest with you. I dont believe you. If you are doing the things your doing, then get the hell off of this site and take it to the form of media that will make the difference NOW, not in a year. Get your head screwed on straight, stop trying to con america and become rich off of Millions of Peoples deaths, and the millions upon millions of family members of those people that died by playing to their grievences. And i swear, try and correct my English, and all your proving is that you are wrong, because you are just trying to protect yourself and make us look stupid. I am writing this at 3:41 AM and dont care about Grammer, I care about people trying to do stupid shit and take advantage of others and their losses.

I might be 18 **(just turned 19 April 4th)**, but watch out, everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just starting a bit faster and bigger. 🙂

Posted : 12/06/2007 11:42 am
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