
Our experimental mu...
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Our experimental music your experimental film

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To All,

My musical partner and I are currently looking to join up with an experimental videographer to create a joint project that will utilize our musical soundscapes as a backdrop for your experimental video. We had in the past worked along side a director for just a brief moment on such a project but the guy decided to move and we lost contact. We have been interested in pursuing such an endeavor every since. The project would fall somewhere along the lines of ?Koyanasquatsi ? Life out of balance? ( ) which was a musical film in that the imagery and video took you threw the facets of natural earth then onto the effects of man kind. The music laid the backdrop to an evolving display of images and video. I only reference this video as a base idea and in no way would I assume that this project would be created in a mold based on the above mentioned film. Basically my idea would be that my partner and I design the musical soundtrack, and then we furnish this soundtrack to you the video artist to interpret the music as you see fit and sculpt your video in which ever way you deem necessary to fulfill your views and ideas. Follow the rhythm of the music or contrast it, it?s really up to you what you want to do.

We understand that some may feel that this is a ?hey make us a free music video!? but that is not the case. This will be a 100% collaboration split down the middle 50/50. My partner and I and any one else that maybe used in the musical production side being the one half and you and any of your partners being the other in its on right on this project. If you wish to contribute to this project please keep in mind a few basic structural guidelines we would like to work with, yet some of these maybe able to be flexible depending on unforeseen situations:

The music will be designed and created independent of the film. What this means is that it will not be synced in any matter to a film time line. Once you receive our sound track it will be up to you to use it as you see fit by way of syncing or not, fading in/out where you feel appropriate and so forth. We would like however that you keep the base material intact and not alter it with special effects. You can use what ever hardware and software you deem necessary to perform your ideas and create your experimental film. The film can be either black & white or color, or a combination of both. A mix of still images and moving film, or what ever you feel you want to do. Keep in mind that we will not be editing/mastering the soundtrack after it has been presented to you. It will be presented to you in its entirety fully mastered and edited. We can furnish this soundtrack to you in many file formats to suite your needs including but not limited to wav, aiff, and mp3. Please let us know prior to us mixing the tracks down and readying them to be delivered which formats you may need. You should have the ability to; at the end of this project to combine both your film and our soundtrack onto a DVD master ready for duplication, playable in most commercial DVD readers and or have the resources to accomplish this task. Please let us know if you have any questions on these above guidelines and or any concerns.

I will be designing the cover art for the DVD and as this is a joint effort of all parties involved we will be collaborating on a name for the DVD as well. All parties involved will be given credits where credits are due. This initial project will not be made for retail; it?s a mere experimental project and all parties involved must understand this fact. However with that said if all goes well I would like to see this become an ongoing collaboration between us all and then maybe we could look into doing a full retail released project, but until then this is just an experimental project based on creativity not fame and fortune?.. And again let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this as well as needing written and signed documentation that provides the foundations for this ?non-retail? project agreement. I want this to be a fun and experimental project and so as with any collaboration these aforementioned guidelines and other statements are always flexible and I?m always willing to compromise. If this projects sounds exciting but your leery to jump right in please feel free to contact me and I?ll be happy to answer any concerns you may have. Again this is not a ?make us a music video? project this is a joint collaboration between all parties involved to create a one of a kind audio and visual experience.

Currently my music and artwork can be gathered here at under the artist name, SeRVe. Currently I?m editing my page and thus the context of my musical offerings at this time are limited with one being just a test demo of some music software however my music collaborator?s music can be gathered here at under the artist name SoliS. Both of us have been doing music for quite some time with SoliS being the senior in that respect. Both of us bring a wealth of audio experimentation and ideas to the table, with my offerings being a little more on the rhythmic/electronica side and SoliS leaning more towards ambient/experimental. But together however we create a interesting blend of our styles that compliments and yet at times artistically contrasts. Currently the only online downloadable resources to hear our collaboration efforts are on the ?KLANG? compilation which can be found here at: I hope this forum post finds your experimental creative side and you wish to contribute. Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing from any interested party.

SeRVe + SoliS

Posted : 21/04/2009 2:29 pm