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Just about everyone needed

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Posts: 19
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Hi everyone,

This must be about as vague as it gets, but I'm thinking of trying to film a trailer for my unproduced screenplay as a way of getting it noticed. I put this idea forward in the newbie section and got some good advice and want to see what response I get. First, if I tell you what I can contribute and you can see what else I need (almost everything).

The screenplay has been written and rewritten many times, professionally read and rewritten again. It may not be perfect, but I think it's good. I am a propmaker and scene builder by trade and most of my time is spent problem solving in one way or another. I have access to tools, workshop space (possibly to film in as well)and materials. I also have some money to spend on the project, but I have to make it clear that I cannot pay anyone. I hope I can pay expenses where necessary (a budget will be drawn up if I get enough interest - and advice on what I need), but this is a free deal.

Everyone involved will get a copy of everything we shoot and the edited trailer for their own use in promoting whatever skills they bring to the project.

I don't want to go on too much at this stage, but I would be happy to email the synopsis to anyone interested, followed by a copy of the screenplay if necessary.

But briefly, the main characters are in their mid-forties. VAL, a gangster's widow, herself no angel who starts to act like a battery chicken in times of stress, SPOILER her new-age, old friend and ex-husband's frightening sidekick, KOSMIC KEVIN, stage hypnotist and victim of a need for S&M, and TONY, the shotgun-murdered husband who appears at innoportune moments to Val, as he gradually turns into a bloodied chicken.

I hope you're starting to get the idea. This is a black comedy about reincarnation, redemption and battery chickens. It is as much a British gangster movie as 'MASH' is a war film.

If you are interested or just intrigued, please feel free to email me at the address below or reply here. Also, I am still up for any advice, positive or negative, that anyone has for the project. The screenplay is set Nov/Dec, but I don't imagine having to wait until the end of 2007 to get going, if it's going to happen at all.

Thanks for bearing with me.



Posted : 20/12/2006 8:04 pm
Posts: 19
Eminent Member
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Hi all,

Just realised that this is an international site and I didn't mention that I live in London.

Doesn't bode well for organising a film shoot, does it? Maybe I need more help than I thought. Or maybe I can hide behind the idea that screenwriters are creative and creative people are notoriously scatterbrained.


Posted : 20/12/2006 8:14 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

I might be available for editing, camera operating or sound recording so long as it fits in with whatever else I'm doing.

Posted : 20/12/2006 9:41 pm
Posts: 19
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Thanks for the offer. When I see the response I get I'll update the topic.

Posted : 21/12/2006 9:21 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

I may be able to chip in. My strengths are camera operation and Adobe-based post. I'm in Devon and would need travel expenses covered. I've not got any significant industry experience, but for 3 years have run my own video prod company producing paid videos for any paying clients.
Can you ellaborate on how you intend to distribute?

Posted : 03/01/2007 12:31 am
Posts: 19
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Hi Luke,

Thanks for the reply. I'm not completey sure what you mean by distribute. My plan is to shoot the equivalent of a showreel to try to get agents to look at my screenplay(s). What we shoot and what use it is will depend on who comes on board, especially the actors. Some characters are more likely to be easily found than others.

As I said, everyone will come away with their own copy of whatever we shoot and are welcome to use it however they want. My copy will need specific editing and a voice over to creatre a trailer.

I would consider travel a reasonable expense for anyone who joins the project. Do you have cameras and other equipment to bring along with your expertise?

I answered a topic 3 below this one from a director/producer looking for screenplays where you can read a one page sysnopsis of 'Chicken Karma'. Let me know what you think.


Posted : 03/01/2007 6:19 pm
Posts: 2
New Member


Just joined filmmakers.Read your ad,would like to offer my services and experience in post production Music/sound effects.I have a library and facilites to compose soundtrack bespoke for film.
All services free just looking for recognition.

yours ADY.


Posted : 08/01/2007 5:17 pm